domenica 12 dicembre 2010

Implementing GeoLocation...

Another part of framework, this time the geoTools library.

Continue the development of the framework, and this time I reflected on the object "geolocation", which today is supported by all browsers, new generation, with some reservations, to be honest, at the Safari (PC version).
Despite the problem, the geolocation functions are very well, so why not incorporate a map for the visualization of geographic coordinates?
And so the framework decided to incorporate an open source library called OpenLayers. And this is the result!

// Fujon library reference
    var geo = fujon.geoTools ;
    // Create a map with OpenStreetMap
    var map = geo.easyMaps.createMap('myMap');
    // Set a loader widget
    var loader = new loadBox(map.element) ; ;
    // callback function on success position obtained
            map.position = position ;
            //map.zoom = 5 ;
    // callback function on error
            alert('error number : '+error.code);
    // Geo position request

lunedì 6 dicembre 2010

The RUNNABLE interface

And here is a part of the Multi-Threading library code
As in Java, I tried to reproduce the concept of the interface "runnable".In this case it's an object, a singleton pattern to be exact.The function of this object is to pave the way for the thread.It consists of three methods available:
  • set () 
  • resume () 
  • argumets ()
The first is used to create the runnable object, it returns an instance of itself.The second is a getter of the function associated called "runner", while the third returns any arguments associated with the function.And here's the code prior to release of the complete libraryHave fun!

var RUNNABLE = new function(){
    var _this = this ;
    var runner = null ;
    var args = [] ;
    // Set function
    this.set = function(func){
        // func is a function reference without arguments
        if(typeof(func) == 'function'){
            runner = func ;
        // func is a function with arguments passed like a string: 'example(arg1,arg2)'
        }else if(typeof(func) == 'string'){
            // Operations on string
            func = func.replace('(',' ') ;
            func = func.replace(')','');
            var ref = func.split(' ')[0] ;
            func = func.replace(ref,'');
            args = func.split(',');
            // Evaluate a function
            try{runner = eval(ref);
            }catch(e){throw ERROR.RUNNABLE.unset}
        // Throw exception if unset
        }else throw ERROR.RUNNABLE.unset ;
        // Return a RUNNABLE object
        return _this ;
    // Resume function
    // Returns a runner object that contains a runnable function
    this.resume = function(){
        if(runner != null){
            return runner ;
        // Throw exception if runner is null
        }else throw ERROR.RUNNABLE.resume ;
    // Returns always arguments associated to the function even if empty
    this.arguments = function(){
        return args ;

domenica 5 dicembre 2010

Yield or not to yield

One of the features of JavaScript 1.7, without a doubt the most interesting, is the introduction of the generators. As generators of the Python language, with version 1.7, introduces the javascript keyword "yield" and methods "next ()" and "send ()" just like in Python!   
If you want to see the documentation about Python generators here is a link 
Now, with such an instrument to create dynamic loops and iterators, you might well think about creating a javascript library to implement multi-threading ...Said and done! Neil Mix has already designed and created the script to do this!Unfortunately, the javascript version 1.7 is only supported by Mozilla Firefox, no other browser is currently available for this release. Then inspiration strikes, I decided to make this cross-browser, and ta-dan! the multi-threading is now available on all platforms.In a few days (time for some changes) will be the first release of the multi-threading library that compose the framework, fujon goes on!Stay tuned!

lunedì 22 novembre 2010

Welcome back Fujon !

Although "welcome back" seems a bit out of tune ':-), this is indeed a return to the javascript scene !
It has been about 4 years since, a framework called "Fujoo" appeared on the web, and then disappear within a year. In fact, the framework was incomplete, not well known and used mainly for educational purposes. Today, with multiple javascript frameworks available on the Internet, the need to develop a new one seems to be unnecessary ... Yet the desire to try to create something different there !
Hopefully that not an epic fail :-(

I can only say stay tuned!