Today I post a new feature of the framework, the Class object.
With this feature, you can create javascript objects like java-style.
Let's take a look at the code:
supported browser : Firefox,Google Chrome,Opera
/** Primitive **/ fujon.core.Primitive = function(){ return function(){} ; } fujon.core.Primitive.prototype = { constructor: fujon.core.Primitive } /** Class **/ fujon.core.Class = function(object){ if(object instanceof Object){ var primitive = new fujon.core.Primitive() ; for(var property in object){ var tag_property = property.split('$'); if(tag_property.length > 1){ if(tag_property[0] == 'static'){ primitive[tag_property[1]] = object[property] ; } }else{ if(property == 'constructor'){ primitive = object.constructor primitive.prototype = { constructor: primitive } primitive.toString = function(){return '[object Class]';}; }else if(property == 'extend'){ primitive.super = {} for(var extend_property in object.extend){ if(extend_property != 'constructor'){ primitive.prototype[extend_property] = object.extend[extend_property] ; } primitive.super[extend_property] = object.extend[extend_property] ; } }else{ primitive.prototype[property] = object[property]; } if(property == 'toString'){primitive.toString = object[property];} } } return primitive ; } } fujon.core.Class.prototype = { constructor: fujon.core.Class, super:{}, toString: function(){ if({ return ; }else return '[object Class]'; } }
Well, now we see how to create a class in JavaScript, using the Class object and "extending" a second class with the first set!
var Class = fujon.core.Class ; Point = new Class({ constructor:function(x,y){ this.x = x ; this.y = y ; }, set:function(what,value){ switch(what){ case 'x' : this.x = value ; break; case 'y' : this.y = value ; break; } }, get:function(what){ switch(what){ case 'x' : return this.x ; case 'y' : return this.y ; } }, toString:function(){return '[object Point]';} }); Point3 = new Class({ constructor:function(x,y,z){ // Call the super constructor ! Point3.super.constructor(x,y); this.z = z ; }, // Extend feature ! // it's important that the statement "extend" is declared after the constructor extend: new Point(), // Override ! set:function(what,value){ if(what == "z"){ this.z = value ; }else{ Point3.super.set(what,value); } }, // Override again ! get:function(what){ if(what == "z"){ return this.z ; }else { return Point3.super.get(what); } }, toString:function(){return "[object Point3]";} }); // Create a new Point3 object ! var p = new Point3(1,2,3); // and try to see the three values alert(p.get("x")); alert(p.get("y")); alert(p.get("z"));
Ok that's all folk today !
Next time I will speak of the forced-typing in javascript
Stay tuned!